Save Our Soles

My aim with this project was to focus on an often overlooked aspect of sneaker culture, and that is the environmental and ethical issues involved. This includes evidence of human rights violations by industry giants such as Nike, to the impact that the materials and processes have on the planet. The idea was to create a way to raise awareness to these issues so that other members of this culture could take them into consideration and perhaps act on it. My focus on this project was to use 3D modelling in order to create posters that conveyed these issues.

The development mainly revolved around Blender and Adobe Dimension, which I used to edit shoe models into different scenes. I used information that I had found from my research and reflected it onto the style or scenario that the shoe was depicted in. The final outcome was three posters, each showing various issues in sneaker culture. It used renders of 3D scenes as the imagery and used a similar font to the one that Nike uses in order to mimic their posters, and to draw attention to the issues that it brings to the culture.

© Jamie Chape